Coming Soon...
In Munich
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to share the address you want to receive the invitation at with us. Location & event details will follow.
In 2018 two curious souls crossed paths among dusty friends
in San Francisco‘s beautiful gardens of bubbly decompression.
From few shared words to many emotions that night
quickly grew a longing to meet again.
Thanks to beloved friends who celebrated their new puppy Jay,
the souls were reunited in shared joy as much as surprise.
At the end of the night Frederik brought Marie-Ange to her car,
yet no numbers were exchanged.
From unbearable tension followed our first date à la Française:
Red wine, a kiss and vinyl disco dance as if there was no tomorrow.
A night became a weekend, a weekend became a week and then a month.
Two souls so intertwined no one could ever dare to untangle.
Within a few months we moved in together in SF,
moved between jobs and along the ups and downs of life
with beloved people and dogs along our path
enjoyed the sea, the sun,
the mountains, the wind,
the city of angels, the canyon,
the desert and the city of sins.
Got back to Europe and met each others parents
as if life could not wait to fast forward for our two bonded souls.
Denying long distance we landed in Paris,
weathering career changes, Covid, moves and grooves,
to create a home in form of our little Oasis in the 15th arrondissement.
From SF to Paris, from you to us.
From decompression to burn to burner galore.
From rendezvous to date
to partner to fiancé
to Tiantio and Zié
to groom and bride
until husband and wife.
From a life filled with good souls, laughter, silliness and joy,
with diversity as much as similarity,
in past, in present and towards new horizons,
along individual and shared evolution and growth,
in sickness and in health,
from never before to forever beyond,
we feel blessed to be celebrating our love with you ♥️
Garden Party
*To Attend
On the 12th of August 2023, we celebrated our dowry in Abidjan: our engagement in the Senoufo culture of Marie-Ange’s family. Traditionally, the families of the groom and bride meet, and the groom brings gifts to ask the blessings of the family of the bride to marry her. It was beautiful to watch our 2 worlds collide.
The countdown
has started!
& Frederik